Chesney Archives
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There are over 800 personal paper collections in the holdings of the Chesney Archives.

These collections include the papers of alumni, faculty, clinical and administrative staff who have been associated with Johns Hopkins Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health. The personal paper collections provide insight into the careers and contributions of these individuals. They are a rich resource for the study of biomedical scientists and clinical practitioners who have influenced late nineteenth-century and twentieth-century medicine, nursing, and public health.

Selected collections contain links to further information including biographies, scope and content information, and finding aids.  Contact us for information on collections that do not contain links.

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  • Teruko Ishizaka Collection
  • Lalla Iverson Collection

No Collections found.

  • Florence R. Sabin Collection
  • Bradley Sack Collection
  • Alice Hillman Sanders Collection
  • Adalyn Sands Collection
  • Walter Savage Collection
  • Alexander J. Schaffer Collection
  • Betty Borenstein Scher Collection
  • Frances Schlosser Scherer Collection
  • Paul F. Schilder Collection
  • Leon Schlossberg Collection
  • Alberta C. Schmid Collection
  • Edyth Schoenrich Collection
  • Rose Mary Burroughs Schulte Collection
  • Bonnie Holley See Collection
  • Regena Larrabee Seehausen Collection
  • Esther Camp Seehof Collection
  • Henry M. Seidel Collection
  • James H. Semans Collection
  • Betty Jo Sestak Collection
  • Clyde R. Shallenberger Collection
  • Elizabeth Prewitt Shands Collection
  • William D. Sharpe Collection
  • Anita Cabello Shauck Collection
  • Walter H. Sheldon Collection
  • Richard Shepard Collection
  • Ruth Brewster Sherman Collection
  • Elizabeth W. Sherwood Collection
  • Richard H. Shryock Collection
  • Ruth Sidisin Collection
  • Arthur A. Siebens Collection
  • Henry E. Sigerist Collection
  • Charles E. Silberstein Collection
  • Jane Simons Silva Collection
  • Charlotte Silverman Collection
  • Ruth Major Simms Collection
  • Charles E. Simon Collection
  • Maria Simonson Collection
  • Thomas W. Simpson Collection
  • Martin L. Singewald Collection
  • Anne Noel Sipple Collection
  • David B. Skinner Collection
  • Henry R. Slack, Sr., Collection
  • Elizabeth B. Randall Slack Collection
  • Harry R. Slack, Jr., Collection
  • Frank J. Sladen Collection
  • Regina Slaughter Collection
  • Hattie Stech Sloan Collection
  • Hamilton O. Smith Collection
  • Philip E. Smith Collection
  • Winford H. Smith Collection
  • Loiuse Smith Collection
  • Lex B. Smith Collection
  • Frank R. Smith, Jr., Collection
  • Henry Lee Smith Collection
  • Elfriede Sollmann Collection
  • Alfred Sommer Collection
  • Hamilton Southworth Collection
  • Thomas P. Sprunt Collection
  • Mildred Richards St. Pierre Collection
  • Evelyn Nilsson Stamoolis Collection
  • Barbara Starfield Collection
  • Ernest L. Stebbins Collection
  • Walter R. Steiner Collection
  • Karl J. Steinmuller Collection
  • Mary Betty Stevens Collection
  • Lloyd Stevenson Collection
  • Philip D. Stieg Collection
  • Harvey B. Stone collection
  • Donna Lou Stonesifer Collection
  • George L. Streeter Collection
  • Virginia Struve Collection
  • Mildred P. Struve Collection
  • Joan Masek Sutton Collection
  • Hiroshi Suzuki Collection
  • Herbert M. Swick Collection

No Collections found.

Browse by Affiliation

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

  • Florence R. Sabin Collection
  • Walter Savage Collection
  • Alexander J. Schaffer Collection
  • Betty Borenstein Scher Collection
  • Henry M. Seidel Collection
  • James H. Semans Collection
  • Clyde R. Shallenberger Collection
  • Richard Shepard Collection
  • Elizabeth W. Sherwood Collection
  • Arthur A. Siebens Collection
  • Charles E. Silberstein Collection
  • Maria Simonson Collection
  • Thomas W. Simpson Collection
  • Martin L. Singewald Collection
  • David B. Skinner Collection
  • Elizabeth B. Randall Slack Collection
  • Harry R. Slack, Jr., Collection
  • Frank J. Sladen Collection
  • Regina Slaughter Collection
  • Winford H. Smith Collection
  • Lex B. Smith Collection
  • Henry Lee Smith Collection
  • Frank R. Smith, Jr., Collection
  • Alfred Sommer Collection
  • Hamilton Southworth Collection
  • Evelyn Nilsson Stamoolis Collection
  • Barbara Starfield Collection
  • Walter R. Steiner Collection
  • Mary Betty Stevens Collection
  • Philip D. Stieg Collection
  • Harvey B. Stone collection
  • Joan Masek Sutton Collection
  • Hiroshi Suzuki Collection
  • Herbert M. Swick Collection
  • Cecil W. Vest Collection

No Collections found.

  • Teruko Ishizaka Collection
  • Lalla Iverson Collection

No Collections found.

  • Cecil W. Vest Collection

No Collections found.

  • Teruko Ishizaka Collection
  • Richard T. Johnson Collection
  • Ella Hutzler Oppenheimer Collection

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

  • Scott L. Zeger Collection

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

  • Marguerite Aue Rankin Collection
  • Gay B. Rawlins collection
  • Helena Isabelle Redford Collection
  • Frances Reiter Collection
  • Mary Reiter Collection
  • Nannie Ridgely Retzer Collection
  • Elizabeth B. Richards Collection
  • Claire Howe Rizzo Collection
  • Isabel Hampton Robb Collection
  • Madeline Jenkins Rohlfs Collection
  • Grace M. Rood Collection
  • Marie L. Rose Collection
  • Henrietta Richardson Rouse Collection
  • Mamie E. Rose Rugeley Collection
  • Alice Hillman Sanders Collection
  • Adalyn Sands Collection
  • Betty Borenstein Scher Collection
  • Frances Schlosser Scherer Collection
  • Alberta C. Schmid Collection
  • Rose Mary Burroughs Schulte Collection
  • Bonnie Holley See Collection
  • Regena Larrabee Seehausen Collection
  • Esther Camp Seehof Collection
  • Betty Jo Sestak Collection
  • Elizabeth Prewitt Shands Collection
  • Ruth Brewster Sherman Collection
  • Elizabeth W. Sherwood Collection
  • Ruth Sidisin Collection
  • Jane Simons Silva Collection
  • Ruth Major Simms Collection
  • Hattie Stech Sloan Collection
  • Loiuse Smith Collection
  • Elfriede Sollmann Collection
  • Mildred Richards St. Pierre Collection
  • Evelyn Nilsson Stamoolis Collection
  • Donna Lou Stonesifer Collection
  • Mildred P. Struve Collection
  • Virginia Struve Collection
  • Alice Witman Taylor Collection
  • Effie Jane Taylor Collection
  • Susan Chisolm Read Thayer Collection
  • June Coubrough Thomann Collection
  • Ellouise Parducci Thompson Collection
  • Mary B. Thompson Collection
  • Margaret Cousar Tooke Collection
  • Jean Cowling Toth Collection
  • Eurith Trax Collection
  • Katherine Clemson Turner Collection

No Collections found.

  • Janet Bankert Wagner Collection
  • Helen L. Fischer Walker Collection
  • Lucille Wallis Collection
  • Emily Dorsch Walton Collection
  • Elizabeth Warfield Collection
  • Constance Cole Waxter Collection
  • Florence Ida Webber Collection
  • Genevieve Lipa Wessel Collection
  • Bertha Nell Adair White Collection
  • Margaret McClarren White Collection
  • Vivian Weinhardt Williams Collection
  • Mary Bier Wilson Collection
  • Anna D. Wolf Collection
  • Ellen M. Wood Collection
  • Lillian Wu Collection

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

  • Marie Zombro Duston Collection

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

  • Virginia Horak Collection

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

  • Deborah Corteggiano Kennedy Collection
  • Otelia Lederhos Collection
  • Doris Murphy Lytle Collection

No Collections found.

  • Lois Laumann Phillips Collection
  • Joanne Satterfield Price Collection

No Collections found.

  • Inez Francese Radtke Collection
  • Leona P. Rippel Collection
  • Agnes Thompson Roden Collection
  • Anita Cabello Shauck Collection
  • Anne Noel Sipple Collection
  • Ruth Taylor Collection
  • Addie Rae Tyler Thomas Collection
  • Frieda Kiracofe Thornburg Collection
  • Grace Tracey Collection

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

  • Florence Waters Collection
  • Julia Holland Webster Collection
  • Anna Listman Wohlmacher Collection

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

No Collections found.

Access to Collections

The personal papers include both processed and unprocessed collections. Whenever it is legally possible and in alignment with ethical practices, staff will facilitate reference and research use of collections that are unprocessed.

Contact us for more information

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