The biographical files primarily include curricula vitae, press clippings, obituaries, and other documents relating to the professional contributions individuals associated with the Johns Hopkins Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health.
In general, the content of these files is somewhat uneven in terms of quantity, and in some cases, quality of information; folders may have inclusive biographical information including curricula vita, bibliographies, biographical sketches, obituaries, and press clippings while others may contain only a scant document or two.
Overall the collection is a useful resource for obtaining basic biographical information. New material is continually being added and the folder listings are regularly updated. The dates of materials in these files range from the late nineteenth century to the present.
This Finding Aid to the Biographical Files lists the individual files in alphabetical order. The files include retired or deceased faculty, staff, and alumni, individuals with current appointments as well as individuals who have terminated their Hopkins affiliation but are still active within their profession.