Chesney Archives
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Moving images mostly represent productions created within Johns Hopkins Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health for clinical, diagnostic, educational, or documentary purposes.

Also included are personal film collections from faculty and staff associated with Johns Hopkins, moving images originating from individual departments, and commercially produced medical and educational films.

Major Film and Video Collections

Department of Radiology

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Office of Communications and Public Affairs

Johns Hopkins Medical Video Collection

Johns Hopkins Medicine Office of Marketing and Communications

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Film Collection

Office of Cultural Affairs


Personal Paper Collections with Moving Images

Alfred Blalock Collection

Bacon Chow Collection

Victor McKusick Collection

Helen Taussig Collection

R. Carmichael Tilghman Collection


Accessing the Collections

To search our online catalog for moving images across all collections, use the advanced search tab on the catalog search page.  On the first search row, select Format Type in the first column, Exact in the second column, and Moving Image in the third column.  Use the remaining rows to limit your search using keywords, titles, or subjects.  Items that are digitized and available online will include a moving image icon button that you can click to load an embedded video player in the catalog record.  To access moving images that are not available online, please make a request to arrange a research visit or to order digital transfers.  Moving images that include protected health information may require a privacy board waiver or individual authorization to access.  For more information on accessing materials with protected health information, review our privacy policies.