Walter R. Steiner by unidentified photographer
Creator: Steiner, Walter Ralph (1870-1942) Collection Date: 1892-1942 Extent: 1.5 linear feet
Walter R. Steiner was born in Frederick, Maryland. He received his A.B. in 1892 from Yale University, was a graduate student at the Johns Hopkins University from 1892 until 1894, and received his A.M. from Yale in 1895. He received his M.D. in 1898 from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Steiner was house medical officer at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1899 and began his practice in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1900. He was associated with Hartford Hospital and acted as consulting physician to numerous hospitals in the Hartford area. He wrote articles on internal medicine, pathology, and medical history. The Hartford Medical Society recognized Steiner’s contributions by naming its medical library in his honor.
The Walter R. Steiner Collection spans his entire medical career. It includes correspondence, lecture notes, photographs, and reprints. Correspondence includes one folder of letters from Harvey Cushing and one folder of letters from William Osler. Other correspondents include Steiner’s father, B.C. Steiner, the first librarian of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, and Daniel Coit Gilman, first president of the Johns Hopkins University. In addition, the collection includes six volumes of lecture notes taken by Steiner during William H. Welch’s classes in bacteriology and pathology (1895-1896).
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