Nancy P. Ellicott by unknown photographer
Creator: Ellicott, Nancy P. (1872 - 1944) Collection Date: 1926 Extent: 1 item
Nancy P. Ellicott was born in Baltimore. She received her nursing diploma in 1903. After graduation she was placed in charge of Ward H in the Johns Hopkins Hospital. From 1905 to 1907 she held the position of Superintendent of Nurses at the Church Home and Infirmary in Baltimore. She was acting Superintendent of the Church Home and Infirmary in 1908. The following year she was appointed first Superintendent of the Rockefeller Institution Hospital in New York City where she remained until her retirement in 1938. During World War I, she assisted French doctor Alexis Carrel in the War Demonstration Hospital at the Rockefeller Hospital. In 1921 she sat on the Alumnae general committee for the Organization for the Endowment of the School of Nursing at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. In 1926 she was awarded a Medal of Honor from the Minister of Hygiene of France. During her nursing training, her creative research into typhoid treatment won her the cofidence and friendship of Drs. Welch and Osler. She is noted as being the first woman in Baltimore to own and operate an automobile. She devised a back rest for patients and a laundry cart on wheels.
The Nancy P. Ellicott Collection consists of her French Medal of Honor. Additional original material pertaining to Ellicott can be found in the records of the Church Home and Hospital School of Nursing.
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