Marion Turner Brockway by Rockwood studio photographer
Creator: Brockway, Marion Turner (1866 - 1940) Collection Date: 1889 - 1940 Extent: 2 cubic feet (3 boxes)
Marion Turner was born in Mt. Salvage, Maryland. On June 12, 1889 she became the first official student of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School of Nursing. In November 1891, she married Dr. Frederick J. Brockway, a Johns Hopkins physician. In 1912 she helped to organize the Industrial Nursing Section of the National Organization of Public Health Nursing. During World War I, she served as Chief Nurse of the Health Center for Homecoming Soldiers in New York City. Immediately after the war she worked with the Russian Relief Committee. She was House Mother for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company’s Home Office Staff from 1919 to 1932. In 1921 she became the first president of the New York Industrial Nurses Club and founded the Association of Graduate Nurses of Manhattan and Bronx. She was active in numerous nurses’ and women’s groups and served as president of the New York State Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, and the Zanta Club. She remained active in the Johns Hopkins Nurses’ Alumnae Association her entire life.
The Marion Turner Brockway collection contains three textbooks, Hutchinson’s Physiology and Hygiene, Reference Book for Trained Nurses, and Textbook of Nursing by Clara S. Weeks. It also includes a photograph album and a scrapbook containing correspondence and exams. The collection is a resource for studying the experiences of members of the first class of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School for Nurses.
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