Alexander W. Cavins by unidentified photographer
Creator: Cavins, Alexander W. (1900 - 1985) Collection Date: 1979 Extent: 1 cassette and 1 folder
Alexander W. Cavins was born in Indianapolis and received his A.B. from Butler University in 1921. He graduated from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1925, having specialized in gynecology, and served a brief term at Loomis Sanatarium in New York during the summer of 1924. After interning at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut in 1925, Cavins served on the staffs of several hospitals in Terre Haute, Indiana, until his retirement.
The Alexander W. Cavins Collection covers his years as a student at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. It includes a cassette tape and a transcripted portion of Cavins’ oral memoirs. Cavins discusses his courses and professors, among them Lewis Weed, Florence Sabin, Max Broedel, J. Whitridge Williams, William S. Thayer, Lewellys Barker, and John Jacob Abel. He also speaks about the following: his employment at the Baltimore Sydenham Hospital for contagious diseases, where he learned intubation for diphtheria; the boarding home where he stayed as a medical student; and the social activities of his fellow medical students.
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