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H. Furlong Baldwin

H. Furlong Baldwin


Baldwin, a banking executive and a trustee and board member for The Johns Hopkins University and The Johns Hopkins Hospital, was born in Baltimore. Baldwin graduated from Princeton University in 1954 with a degree in history, then served in the Marine Corps for two years. After his discharge, he began work at Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Company as a check counter.

He ascended through the ranks, becoming president of the bank in 1970 and chief executive officer from 1976 until 2001. Baldwin has served on the boards of The Johns Hopkins University, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, The Johns Hopkins Health System, and Johns Hopkins Medicine, and was chairman of the board of the latter three at various times since his involvement began in the 1970s. His efforts are partly responsible for the $30 million pledge Hopkins received in 1993 from the state of Maryland for a new cancer center.

Baldwin also served as a trustee of The Johns Hopkins University for many years and remains an emeritus trustee of The Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Medicine, as well as an honorary trustee of The Johns Hopkins Hospital. In 1994, the historic parlor in the Billings Administration Building of The Johns Hopkins Hospital was named the Baldwin Parlor in honor of his contributions as a trustee and fundraiser.

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